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At Cardenio Press, we value our readers, authors, colleagues and partners just as much as the stories we publish. Below is a brief Q&A summary of what you need to know about our Privacy Policy.

What information do you collect about me?

  • If you visit our website, we will collect certain information about how you’ll use them—for example, information about your device, your IP address, geographical location, your browser type, how you navigated to us (e.g. through a search engine). This information may be collected by a third-party analytics service or by third parties using cookies, which are active on our website. You can read our full Cookies Policy here. 

  • If you contact us, we will collect any information contained in any correspondence.

  • If you upload or post to any account on our website, we also collect that information.

  • If you follow any of our social media accounts, in accordance with the platform's own Privacy Policy, we may collect information about the other people that you follow or interact with.

How do you use my data?

  • Firstly, we’ll only use your data either as part of our services to you, with your consent (where we request it) or within our legitimate business interests.

  • This may be in providing you with personalised content, understanding the performance of our website or if we have a legal obligation to use your data. We may also share your data with social media platforms, so that they may also select and serve relevant advertising for you (e.g. through Facebook - you can disable Facebook’s cookie via your own Facebook settings).

  • We’ll always take into account any potential impact that our data use may have on you. 

How do you look after my information and how long do you keep it for?

We look for opportunities to minimise the amount of personal information we hold about you. We use technological and operational security measures to protect your information against any unauthorised access or unlawful use - such as ensuring the security of our offices, appropriate password protection and encryption, maintaining a rigorous data protection policy and limiting access to your personal information for those in our company who need to use it.

What are my rights about the information which you hold about me?

You have many rights about the information which we hold about you, including asking us to request access to the information we hold about you and to stop processing information about you.

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